Wednesday 24 June 2009


Kandinsky - Bow and Arrow 1927

Kandinsky was himself an accomplished musician and claimed that when he heard music he saw corresponding colours. The simplicity of this relationship for him, is evident here when he uses interlocking triangles and rectangles predominantly in warm red and yellow for the arc of the bow and creates a ‘heavenly’ blue circle as a cool subversive counterpoint to create tension. You can ‘hear’ the vibration of the bow through the wave shape.

Kandinsky – Klang (Sounds) 1907-12

I took information from ‘Kandinsky – The World’s Greatest Art’ (2006). Kandinsky considered this piece to be a gestamtkunstwerk as it is a universal and comprehensive synthesis of art, which combined picture, word and sound. This image is a clever construction which contrasts the yellow and black. Additionally, the shapes, trees, people and horse etc. are deliberately unambiguous and this is why the whole gestamtkunstwerk works as an ensemble.

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