Friday, 11 September 2009

Working to a new style

Currently I have been working on a style that has a symmetrical/Tessellational parts. To help me create such works I will make a illustration libaray this will consist of objects that in most cases will be interchangeable, for example there will be folders of eyes, head shapes and hair. When these are put togther thay will formulate the head of the image. In some cases like the eye folder these will dubble up as wheels or a repeate pattern. This consept is one way of makeing lots of charactors with out having to re-make the same object over and over. Another good point is that the re-useable items are archieved systematicaly and are therefor easy to find. Ultmatly I will have to sample test them and hopefuly thay will be come as good as the example image that I have put up on this blog.

Two artists I intend to research in depth during the project are Ryan Hughes and Henning Wagenbreth, both use archiving systems to crate there work. Henning Wagenbreth has even taken this idea to the next level by creating a keyboard command process that involes typing with the keypad to place objects. Other areas I will research are the historys of pattern, structure, symmetry and graphic design. I still want to keep a childish and playful charm if possible and will most likely explore game-design of postmodern theory.

If all goes well and my libaray of imagery pays off fully and is vast enough, I will be able to work for editorials, design books, storybooks and game charactors a large slection of illustration. And some of this work will be available on a website thats soon to come.