Friday, 8 May 2009

Random image from Deviant Art

Dont no who its by aparerntly it by more that one person. I realy love the brave slection of colours and vast crazyness it holds. The long small train is hidden and acts the background, in this crazy mess

Comparing two guest lecturers (Otto and Tal Rosner)

Resently at stockport, there has been many guest lectures and for this we were asked to post infomation about it. I intend to write some more about Otto and Tal Rosner, and hopefully this will better my general understanding of them.

Otto gave a very formulated lecture in that he spoke about how he self promoted himself first, then went on about his interests in shape and negative and positive space. Tal Rosner on the other hand also has strong interests in shape and patterning affects.

Tal uses recorded imagery and mashies up video footage to crate abstract movement that is similar to Otto in that he uses found imagery/hand made objects in a composition. Otto enjoys creation and development which i suppose all artist do in some way or another. Otto playfulness intellegence and spacial awareness, are clearly evedent in his work. Tal on the other hand uses the same methods but infrequently dose so, this is becauce he work with film and builds on an idea like in his doppleganger cilp.

In the financial market, Tal most likely gets paid more that Otto per commission, but overall Otto gets more over time as he gets more commissions. (proberly anyway)

Otto and Tal have similar personality thay both have drive to do tasks and have a clear understanding of what is both needed and wanted. Where thay differ, Otto has a hyper-attitude and Tal has a laid-back approach to work. Thats not to say Tal is lazy compared to Otto, not at all Tal works hard.

One of Tal's favourite things to do is duplicate video footage, Otto however enjoys playing with space so you can argue both are similar people at heart.

In my eyes Tal super cedes Otto with the finished out come. (even if Tal didnt respond to my email)Otto is good at what he dose but Tal has the edge. (I think anyways)Maybe im studying the wrong subject.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009


Is my favourite all time manga. [Angels,Demons and Humans]The main character is laharl the son of the last overlord who choked to death on a apple core. He is on a quest to become the next overlord but he is consantly harrassed by two girls [Flonne and Etna]
sooo funny. Got the games and videos its mega.

8 Bit Music

Resently i have been infulanced a lot by 8 Bit music, it has helped me losen up my art work even more than it was before. I think a key point in my progression has been most defently being more playful and possibly a bit mad.


Love Pucca. Yet again becauce its funny. Looks like it was completly made with illustrator and after effects. This is what mainly inspired me for the Dr Octogon brife i did not so long ago.

Pani Poni Dash

One of my all time favorite anime sesons. For two resons, firstly the humor in it completly over the top [a ten year old teacher that is constantly angry]. Secondly it goes from standard manga style to a video game like animation [very silly love it].

Secret Citys Project

This image is from a project where you could pick your own path, it was very open and let you be creative which was good, giving you lots of options. I firstly went on trips to gather research, at urbis there was a Hidden Manchester exhibishion by Andrew Paul Brooks. This work was of underground/up-high shots of Manchester. So from this i had the idea of hiding objects in things. Then i was looking at plumbing and body systems which is how this image progressed. The elements were put to gether in adobe illustrator.